Ok.. I was tagged for this by Raising Wild Things and it's been what feels like FOREVER since I'd done one - so here goes! I don't have anyone to tag, so I'm just going to do mine & hope that's good enough! LOL
- Where were you born Magnolia, TX, family moved to Mobile, AL when I was 6 weeks old, & bounced back & forth my entire childhood. I've been all over the place, except West, but it's on my list..
- Were you named after someone? Nope.
- How many children do you have? 3 (10 year old girl (lord save me) 9 year old boy, & the toddler will be 3 in less than a week.. (again, lord save me..)
- How many pets do you have? 1 cat/Saint named Casper. We're hunting for a feline buddy for him, so hopefully that number will increase one day soon.
- Your worst injury? I've been lucky in that respect.. only bones I've ever broken were toes. I've got sciatica in my hip from a wreck when I was a teenager, that got worse over time & crappy kidneys but no real "oh shit I broke my arm" moments.. (knock on wood..)
- Do you have a special talent? Nope. Unless you count every Mommy's ability to sprout extra arms & hands at any given notice.. "Mommy hold this" should be an Olympic sport I think..
- Favorite thing to bake? These days I don't really have a favorite. Not at all. I guess I'm going to have to work on that..
- Favorite fast food? It was the Arby's mushroom whatever roast beef thing. But the shit-sticks went & discontinued it. So I guess the Hardee's mushroom & swiss burger. Seeing my pattern yet?
- Would you bungee jump? Hell no. No reason in the world to jump off a perfectly good bridge. Same goes for skydiving. Unless the plane's going down & we're all going to die anyway.. I'm on that sucker till the wheels hit the runway.
- What is the first thing you notice about people? How they treat other people. Specifically, the helpless.. children, elderly, and so on.
- When was the last time you cried? I've been ridiculously sappy recently. I was reading some sweet story yesterday that made me all teary.
- Any current worries? Money. As friggin always it seems.
- Name 3 drinks you drink regularly. Tea. Water. Recently Coffee. Used to be coke. I'm working on that.
- What’s your favorite book? Alberto Villoldo, Shaman, Healer, Sage. Or Paulo Cohelo The Valkyries, or a dozen others...
- Would you like to be a pirate? As in, real life, Somali, scary, rape pillage plunder pirate? Hell no. But if Captain Jack Sparrow were real, sign me up!
- Favorite smells? Roses, Peonies, new born baby heads... fresh cut grass, a deep heavy forest after a drenching rain.. the freedom of mountain air..
- Why do you blog? I need the release. I don't write as much as I want to these days. As the toddler gets a little bigger, I hope that will change.
- What song do you want played at your funeral? Unless by that time sparkly vampires are a reality, well, whatever my family finds fitting.
- What is your least favorite thing about yourself? My will power. I need to get that shit in check. Big time.
- Favorite hobby? What's a hobby? *wink*
- Name something you’ve done, you never thought you would do? Hike the sacred sites of Peru with local Shaman's! But once I got that one accomplished, it added a bunch of other places to my now ever-growing list!
- What do you look for in a friend? Loyalty.
- Favorite fun things to do? Hanging out with my family.. when the kids aren't at each other throats that is!
- Pet peeves? Lying. Someone that is perpetually late.
- What’s the last thing that made you laugh? My toddler's hilarious dance to every. single. commercial on the T.V. this morning!
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