Monday, September 10, 2012

A trip to Avalon

I have such a sweet sense of calm at the moment. I am trying to pinpoint exactly what is causing it... maybe I should not over analyze it. Maybe I should just accept it for what it is. A sweet calm moment... one I have needed so badly.
Could it be that I know tonight, my husband is finally taking on a cooking night? (I say finally, only because he has been working so hard, cooking is the last thing I would ask him to do...) We are having hamburgers, and I am seriously looking forward to NOT cooking them!
Or, could it be that today, I got myself a pair of jeans, that I have needed for so long, that were two sizes smaller than I expected them to be? Hey, I could have gone down one more size, almost comfortably too... but just decided to go with comfort... and then, in a month, treat myself to a pair yet another 2 sizes smaller. It's a good goal, right? Then I will only be a few sizes from where I almost should be.
Or, maybe it is while I was getting those jeans, I found Kohl's is already stocking up with fall stuff. And I got the most delightfully scented Pumpkin Spice candle, that is burning beside me now. That probably has a lot to do with it. I can't wait for fall...
But I think the main thing, was the nice family outing we had this morning. It was just so wonderful. We went to this place that I found - amazingly only about 6 miles from our door step, that we never had any clue was there. Avalon. There were so many trails, made of concrete, gravel, dirt, and a big board walk through a wetland sort of area. It was breathtaking. It's someplace I could go again and again. Just next time we know not to bother bringing the stroller... there were some pretty funky stairs through the trails. (That I realized we managed to get NO pictures of the stairs, so you will just have to take my word for it.. but trust me, they were there, and funky.. and wow my body is feeling it..)
I put pictures up, to get to them click the one below. This was at the labyrinth.
The labyrinth

Well... my munchkins are up... I hope the rest of the weekend goes as good as today has so far!

3:41 p.m.

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